अधर्मः [adharmḥ] [न. त.]
Unrighteousness, irreligion, impiousness, wickedness, injustice; ˚दण्डनम्
[Ms.8.127] unjust punishment; अधर्मेण unjustly, in an improper way; यश्चाधर्मेण पृच्छति
[Ms.2.111;] an unjust act; a guilty or wicked deed; sin; ˚चारिन् committing unjust or unrighteous deeds; so ˚आत्मन् of an irreligious spirit; तदा कथम्˚ भीरुः
[Ś.5;] ˚मय full of wickedness or sin; for definitions &c. of धर्म and अधर्म See Tarka
[K. P.19.] (धर्म and अधर्म are two of the 24 qualities mentioned in
[Nyāya, and they pertain only to the so] ul. They are the peculiar causes of pleasure and pain respectively. They are imperceptible, but inferred from reasoning and from transmigration.)
N. N. of a Prajāpati or of an attendant of the sun.
-र्मा Unrighteousness personified.
-र्मम् Devoid of attributes, an epithet of ब्रह्म -Comp.
-अस्तिकायः the category of अधर्म, See अस्तिकाय.