लक्षणा f. af. See
s.v. लक्षणा f. bf. aiming at, aim, object, view,
[Hariv.] अभिधा indication, elliptical expression, use of a word for another word with a cognate meaning (as of ‘head’ for ‘intellect’), indirect or figurative sense of a word (one of its three
अर्थs; the other two being or proper sense, and
व्यञ्जना or suggestive
s° ; with
सा-रोपा, the placing of a word in its figurative sense in apposition to another in its proper
s° ),
[Sāh.] ;
[Kpr.] ;
[Bhāṣāp.] &c.
लक्ष्मणा the female of the
ArdeaSibirica (= ),
[Suśr.] a goose,
[Uṇ. iii, 7] Sch. N. of an
[MBh.] ;