प्रमाणम् [pramāṇam] 1 A measure in general (of length, breadth &c.); न प्रमाणेन नोत्साहात् सत्त्वस्थो भव पाण्डव [Mb.3.33.63.] ('प्रमाणं नित्यमर्यादासंघवादिप्रमादिषु' Viśva.); [Mb.1.222.] 31; दृष्टो हि वृण्वन् कलभप्रमाणोऽप्याशाः पुरोवातमवाप्य मेघः [R.18.] 38. Size, extent, magnitude. Scale, standard; पृथिव्यां स्वामिभक्तानां प्रमाणे परमे स्थितः [Mu.2.21.] Limit, quantity; वञ्चयित्वा तु राजानं न प्रमाणेऽवतिष्ठसि [Rām.2.37.] 22. Testimony, evidence, proof. Authority, warrant; one who judges or decides, one whose word is an authority; श्रुत्वा देवः प्रमाणम् Pt.1 'having heard this your Majesty will decide (what to do)'; आर्यमिश्राः प्रमाणम् [M.1;] [Mu.1.1;] सतां हि संदेहपदेषु वस्तुषु प्रमाणमन्तः- करणप्रवृत्तयः [Ś.1.22;] व्याकरणे पाणिनिः प्रमाणम्; [Ms.2.13;] [Pt.1.24;] sometimes in pl.; वेदाः प्रमाणाः. A true or certain knowledge, accurate conception or notion. A mode of proof, a means of arriving at correct knowledge; (the Naiyāyikas recognize only four kinds; प्रत्यक्ष, अनुमान, उपमान and शब्द, the Vedāntins and Mīmāṁsakas add two more, अनुपलब्धि and अर्थापत्ति; while the Sāṅkhyas admit प्रत्यक्ष, अनुमान and शब्द only; cf. अमुभव also.). Principal, capital. Unity. Scripture, sacred authority. Cause, reason. Rule, sanction, precept. The first term in a rule of three. An epithet of Viṣṇu. Freedom from apprehension. The prosodial lengh of a vowel. An eternal matter; L. D. B. (In music) A measure (such as द्रुत, मध्य, विलम्बित); [Rām.1.4.8.] The measure of a square. -णः, -णी A rule, standard, authority. -Comp. -अधिक a. a. more than ordinary, inordinate, excessive; श्वासः प्रमाणाधिकः [Ś.1.29.] -अनुरूप a. corresponding to physical strength. -अन्तरम् another mode of proof. -अभावः absence of authority.-कुशल, -प्रवीण a. a. skilful in arguing. -कोटिः the point in an argument which is regarded as actual proof. -ज्ञ a. a. knowing the modes of proof, (as a logician). (ः) an epithet of Śiva. -दृष्ट a. a. sanctioned by authority. -पत्रम् a written warrant. -पथः the way of proof. -पुरुषः an arbitrator, a judge, an umpire.-वाधितार्थकः a kind of Tarka in [Nyāyasāstra.] -भूत (˚णीभूत) a. a. authoritative. (-तः) an epithet of Śiva.-राशिः the quantity of the first term in a rule of three sums. -वचनम्, -वाक्यम् an authoritative statement. शास्त्रम् scripture. the science of logic.-सूत्रम् a measuring cord. -स्थ a. of normal size. unperturbed.