Dictionaries | References द दिव Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 दिव हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi Hindi | | see : दिन, आकाश, स्वर्ग Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 दिव A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | दिव n. n. heaven, sky, [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] दिवे-दिवे day, esp. in , day by day, daily, [RV.] and ifc. (g.शरदादि) ROOTS:दिवे दिवे wood, [L.] दिव [cf.अ॑हर्-, त्रि-, नक्तं-, नक्तं- बृहद्-. रात्रिम्-, सु-; cf. also διϝο Fo in ἐν-διοςLat. (?) biduum.] Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 दिव Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English | | दिव (उ) दिवु r. 4th cl. (दीव्यति)दिव (उ) दिवु 1. To play, to sport, to play with, to romp or gambol.दिव (उ) दिवु 2. To desire, to overcome, to be ambitious of surpassing, &c.दिव (उ) दिवु 3. To deal, to traffic, to buy or sell.दिव (उ) दिवु 4. To shine, to be splendid or beautiful.दिव (उ) दिवु 5. To praise.दिव (उ) दिवु 6. To be glad, to rejoice. 7. To be mad, to be wild or inflated with pride, passion, &c.दिव (उ) दिवु 8. To be sleepy or sluggish.दिव (उ) दिवु 9. To love, to desire.दिव (उ) दिवु 10. To go.दिव (उ) दिवु r. 10th cl. (देवयति-ते)दिव (उ) दिवु 1. To suffer pain.दिव (उ) दिवु 2. To ask, to beseech or beg.दिव (उ) दिवु 3. To move, to go.दिव (उ) दिवु 4. (-ति-ते) To lament, to wail, to mourn audibly. (इ) दिविदिव (उ) दिवु r. 1st cl. (दन्वति)दिव (उ) दिवु 1. To please.दिव (उ) दिवु 2. To be pleased. जिगीषायां व्रीडायां च अक० पणे व्यवहारे, इच्छायां स्तुतौ च सक० दिवा० पर० सेट् . चुरा० कूजने आत्मने० सक० सेट् . अर्दे चुरा० उभ० सक० सेट् . प्रीतौ भ्वा० पर० सक० सेट् इदित् .दिव n. (-वं) 1. heaven, paradise. 2. heaven, sky, atmosphere. 3. A day. 4. A wood, a thicket. E. दिव् to play, to shine, &c. affix घञर्थे आधारे वा कः see the preceding. ROOTS:दिव् घञर्थे आधारे वा कः Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP