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   { gāndhārḥ, gāndhāra }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
GĀNDHĀRA   A stretch of land of ancient Bhārata. it is believed that this land stretched from the shores of river Sindhu to Kābul. Subala was a mighty ruler of this country. his daughter Gāndhārī was the wife of Dhṛtarāṣṭra. [Śloka 11, Chapter 111, Ādi Parva] . agni Purāṇa points out a relationship between the Gāndhāras and the Drāviḍas. descending in order from Viṣṇu were Candra--Budha--Purūravas--Āyus--Nahuṣa -Yayāti--Turvasu. In order from Turvasu were Varga-- Gobhānu--Traiśāni-- Karandhama--Marutta--Duṣyanta-- Varūtha--Gāṇḍīra--Gāndhāra. From Gāndhāra arose the five different provincialists: Gāndhāras, Keralas, Colas, Pāṇḍyas and Kolas. [Chapter 277, Agni Purāṇa] .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
गान्धार  mfn. mfn.fr.गन्ध्°g.कच्छा-दि and सिन्ध्व्-आदि
गान्धार  m. m. ([Pāṇ. 4-1, 169] ) a prince of the गान्धारिs, viii, 1, 4, 10">[ŚBr. viii, 1, 4, 10] ; vii, 34">[AitBr. vii, 34] ; [Hariv. 8395] (-कन्या)
   also title or epithet).">N. of a prince (from whom the गान्धारs derive their origin), 1839; ix, 23, 14">[BhP. ix, 23, 14]
   the third of the 7 primary notes of music, iv, xii, xiv">[MBh. iv, xii, xiv] ; lxxxvi, 40">[VarBṛS. lxxxvi, 40]
   (also personified as a son of रागभैरव)
   minium or red lead, [L.]
गान्धार  m. m. pl.also title or epithet).">N. of a people and of their country (north-east of peshawar and giving its also title or epithet).">N. to kandahar; पाणिनि is said to have been a गान्धार; cf.गन्ध्°, गन्धारि, गान्धारि), [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] ; iv, vii">---10--- ; ---11--- &c.
गान्धार  n. n. gum myrrh, [L.]
गञ्जाकिनी   (= ) the points of hemp


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
गान्धारः [gāndhārḥ]   1 The third of the seven primary notes of the indian gamut; (commonly denoted by ग in musical notation).
   red lead.
  N. N. of a country between india and persia, the modern Kandahāra.
   A native or a ruler of that country.
-रम्   gum myrrh.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
गान्धार  m.  (-रः)
   1. one of the seven primary notes of music.
   2. minium [Page237-a+ 60] or red lead.
   3. A country, (Candahar, between the north of india and persia).
  n.  (-रं) gum myrrh
  f.  (-री)
   1. The wife of DHRITARASH- TRA mother of DURYODHANA.
   2. one of the tutelary female deities of the Jainas.
   3. A plant (Hedysarum alhagi.)
   4. prickly nightshade.
   E. गान्ध the aggregate of गन्ध smell, &c. to go and अण् affix; the note being said to be produced by pure and fragrant breath, &c. गान्धारेय
  m.  (-यः) A name of DURYODHANA, the son of DHRI- TARASHTRA.
   E. गान्धारी the name of the mother of this chief, and ढक् aff.

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