Dictionaries | References ग गणितशास्त्र शब्दकोश - गणितशास्त्र Type: Dictionary Count : 3,330 (Approx.) Language: English Marathi | Show All coboundary cocycle coding coefficient coefficient of elasticity coefficient of friction coefficient of restitution cofactor of an element of a determinant cofinal cofinal subset cofunction cohomological cohomologous cohomology cohomology algebra coincide coincidence coincident colatitude colinearity collection collinear collineation collineatory cologarithm column matrix column vector combination combinatorial combinatorial analysis commensurable Commission common angle common denominator common difference common factor common logarithm common multiple common multiplier common ratio common root common section commutative commutative law commutative ring commutativity commutator commute compact compactification compactness compact set compact space compact support compactum comparable comparison comparison test compass compatibiliy compatible complement complementary complementary angle complementary function complemented lattice complete complete induction complete integral completely completely regular space completeness complete space complete system of neighbourhood complete theory completion complex complex conjugate complex fraction complex function complex integral complex number complex plane complex sequence complex variable componendo componendo and dividendo component composant compose composite group composite number composite of functions composition composition of functions composition of vectors composition series compositum compound compound addition compound distribution compound event compound interest compound multiplication compound ratio compresion compress compressibility compressible compressive computable computation compute computer concatenation concave concavity concentric concentric circles conchoid (of nicomedes) conclusion concrete concur concurrence concurrent concyclic condensation point condition conditional conditional convergence conditional equation conditional identity conditionally convergent series conditional sentence conditional statemetn conditions are satisfied condtional conductance conduction conductivity Conductor cone conention configuration confocal confocal ellipses conformable conformal conformal mapping conformal transformation congruence congruence mapping congruence (modulo n.) congruence of figures congruence of matrices congruence of triangles congruent congruent transformation congruent triangle conic conical conical angle conical surface conicoid conic section conjecture conjugate conjugate angles conjugate diameters conjugate function conjugate number conjugate quadratic surd conjugate suard conjunction conjunctive connected connected component connectedness connected set connection connective connectivity conoid consecutive consequent consequent term conservation conservative consistency consistent consistent equations consolidated constant constant of integration constant of variation constant term constitutent construct constructible constructible number construction constructive constructive mathematics contact contact of high order contact of multiple order contact of second order continuation continue continue a fraction continued project continued proportion continuity continuous continuous decompisiton continuous function continuous spectrum continuous uniformity on subset A continuum continuum hypothesis contour contour integral contour integration contour lines contracted contractible contraction contraction mapping contradict contradiction contradictory contrapositive contravarient contravarient tensor converage converence convergence in probability convergent convergent sequence convergent series converse conversely Conversion convert convex convexity convex sequence convex set convolution convolution (resultant) of two functions coordinate coordinate axes coordinate geometry coordinates coordinate space coordinate system coplanar coprime coprime to n corollary correction correspondence corresponding corresponding angles corresponding value cosecant coset cosine cosine function cosine rule cosmology cotangent coterminal angles count countability countable countable base countable set countable subbase countable subcover countably many counterclockwise direction counterclockwise sense couple covarient covarient tensor covarient vector cover covered set covering coversed sine coversine criterion critical critical angle crore cross-product cross ratio cross section crunode cube cube root cubic cubical cubical parabola cubic centimetre cubic equation cubic surd cuboid curl of a vector current current coordinates curvature curve curved line curved prism curved space curved surface curve fitting curvilinear curvilinear coordinates curvilinear integral cusp cycle cyclic cyclically cyclically symmetrical cyclic expression cyclic group cyclic order cyclic permutation cyclic space cycloid cylinder cylindrical cylindrical coordinates cylindrical surface damped damping dash Data data processing Days of grace decagon deceleration decidability decidable decidable theory decile decimal decimal fraction decimalisation decimalise decimal notation decimal place decimal point decimal system decipher deciphering decision decode decoding decomposable decomposable set decomposition decreasing decreasing function decrement deduce from deducible deduct Deduction deductive deductive method deep stratification deficient number define defined definite definite integral definite number definition deformation degree degree of an equation degree of a polynominal degree of freedom degree of non planarity degree of permutation demonstrate denial denominator dense denseness dense set density denumerable denumerable set dependence dependent dependent variable deranged series derangement derivable derivation derivation on a ring derivative derive derived derived set descending descending order of magnitude describe descriptive geometry design detatched coefficient form detatched operator determinant determine determined developable developable function developable surface development deviation diagnol diagonalizable diagonalization diagonalize diagonalizing diagonal matrix diagonal scale diagonal series diagram diagram chasing diagrammatic diameter diameter of a set of points diametrically opposite diametrically opposite points dichotomy difference differentiable differential differential calculus differential coefficient differential coefficient of higher order differential equation differential geometry differential operator differentiate differentiation digit dihedral angle dilation dimension dimensional dimension of space direct direct common tangents directed directed angle directed line directed line segment directed number directed segment directed set direction directional derivative directional projection direction angle direction consine directly congruent directly similar director circle direct product direct proof direct proportion directrix direct similarity direct tangent direct variation disc disconnected discontinuity discontinuous discontinuous function Discount discrete discrete set discrete spectrum discriminant disjoint disjoint sets disjunction disjunctive dispersion displacement dissimilar distance | Show All Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Credits: मराठी भाषा - श्री. संजय भगत परिभाषा कोश १ मे १९६० रोजी महाराष्ट्र राज्याची स्थापना झाल्यानंतर राजभाषा मराठीचा शासन व्यवहारात वापर करण्याबाबतचे धोरण राबविण्यासाठी शासन निर्णय, सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग,क्रमांक ओएफएल-११५९ बी दिनांक ६ जुलै १९६० अन्वये भाषा संचालनालयाची स्थापना करण्यात आली. मराठी राजभाषा असल्याचे घोषित करणारा कायदा विधानमंडळात मंजूर होऊन दिनांक ११ जानेवारी, १९६५ रोजी महाराष्ट्र राजपत्रातून जाहीर झाला व तदन्वये मराठीचा राज्य कारभारात जास्तीत जास्त वापर करण्याचे ठरले. राजभाषा मराठीविषयक शासनाचे धोरण राबवताना आधुनिक तंत्रज्ञानाद्वारे विविध विषयावरील शास्त्रीय व तांत्रिक परिभाषा कोश तयार करणे, शासन व्यवहारासाठी आवश्यक परिभाषा घडविणे, शब्दावल्या तयार करणे हे भाषा संचालनालयाचे महत्वाचे उद्दिष्ट आहे! 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