Dictionaries | References ग गणितशास्त्र शब्दकोश - गणितशास्त्र Type: Dictionary Count : 3,330 (Approx.) Language: English Marathi | Show All a.e. a. a^ a' a- a= a~ a" a* a# abacus abelian extension abelian group abscissa abslute unit absolute absolute cnsistency absolute consistency absolute constant absolute convergence absolute error absolute invariant absolutely absolutely summable series absolute maximum of a function absolute measure absolute minimum of a function absolute number absolute position absolute property absolute space absolute temperature absolute value absolute velocity absolute zero Abstract abstract geometry abstract space absurd abundant number acceleration accumulation point accuracy accurate acnode action acute angle acute angled triangle acyclic add addend addition additive additive identity additive inverse additively additive structure additivity adherent point ad infinitum adjacent adjacent angles adjoin adjoint adjoint matrix adjoint transformation admissible affine affine geometry affine transformation aggregate algebra algebric algebrically algebrically closed algebric closure algebric element algebric equation algebric expression algebric exression algebric extension algebric function algebric geometry algebric idetity algebric interger algebric number algebric operation algebric operator algebric property algebric representation algebric structure algebric sum algebric system algebric topology algorithm alignment almost everywhere almost periodic funcion alphabet alternando alternant alternate angles alternate segment of a circle alternate terms alternating grop alternating sequence alternation alternative denial altitude ambient space ambiguous ambiguous case amicable numbers amount amplitude analogous analogue analogy analyse Analysis analytic analytical geometry analytical method analytic at a point analytic continuation analytic curve analytic function analytic geometry analytic proof analytic structure anchor ring AND angle angle of contingence angle of depression angle of elevation angle of friction angle of incidence angle of inclination angle of intersection angle of projection angle of reference angle of reflection angle of refraction angle of repose angle of revolution angle of rotation angle of screw angle of torsion angular angular accelertion angular brackets angular displacement angular measure angular momentum angular motion angular point angular velocity annihilator annular annular space annulus answer antecedent antecedent term anticlockwise direction anticlockwise sense antiderivative antilog antiogarithm antipode antireflective relation antisymmetric antisymmetric relation any aperiodic apothem appex applicable application applied applied geometry applied mathematics apply approximate approximately approximately continuous function approximation apse apsidal apsidal angle apsidal boundary apsidal circle apsidal distance arbitary arch arcwise connected are area argument argument of a function arithematic arithemetic arithmetic mean arithmetic progression arm of an angle arrangement array as ascending ascending order ascending order of magnitude ascending series assemblage associate associated associated function associated set associated topology association associative law associativity assume assumption asterisk astroid astronomy asymmetrical relation asymptote asymptotic asymptotic curve asymptotic direction asymptotic series at discount at infinity at par At premium at random augmented augmented matrix auto automorphic automorphic function automorphism autoregressive autoregressive series auxiliary auxiliary circle auxiliary equation auxiliary quadratic average axes of coordinates axes of inertia axial aximatic geometry axiom axiomatic axiomatics axiom of choice axis axis of abscissa axis of ordinate axis of reference axis of revolution axis of rotation axis of symmetry azimuth azimuthal backward backward difference balance balanced ball ballistic ballistic curve ballistic limit ballistics ballistic trajectory banach space Bar barometer barter barycentre base base angle base-line base of topology basic basic opertion basis bearing because behaviour behaviour at infinity behaviour in the neighbourhood below bar beta function betweenness bi biconditional bijective function bijective mapping bilateral surface bilinear transformation Bill billion Bill of exchange binary binary expansion binary notation binary number binary numeral binary opertion binary relation binary scale binomial quadratic surd binomial series binomial surd binomial theorem binominal binominal coefficient binominal distribution binominal equation binominal expansion binominal expression binominal formula binormal biquadratic biquadratic equation biquadratic surd bisect bisection bisector Bond boolean boolean algebra boolean ring bordering a determinant borel set bound boundary boundary condition boundary of a set boundary operator boundary point boundary value bounded bounded linear functional bounded sequence bounded set bounded variation box product box product of three vectors box topology braces brackets Branch branch point breadth brokerage bundle bundle of planes calculable calculate calculated calculation calculator calculus calculus of finite differences calculus of variations cancel cancellation canonical canonical form canonical mapping canonical representation cantor discontinuum cantor space cantor's set cantor's ternary set capital cardinal cardinal arithmetic cardinal direction cardinality (of a set) cardinal number cardinal number of a set cardioid cartan differentiation Cartesian cartesian product case cassinian curve category catenary catenoid cauchy sequence cavitation cavity celestial celestial mechanics celestial sphere Cell centesimal centimetre central angle central series of a group centre centre of curvature centre of gravity centre of mass centre of pressure centre of similarity centre of similitude centrifugal centripetal centroid certain chain chain condition chain rule change change in value change of axes change of base (in logarithm) change of basis in a vector space change of coordinates change of variable character characterisation characterise characteristic characteristic curve characteristic direction characteristic equation characteristic equation of a matrix characteristic function characteristic function of a set characteristic number characteristic of a ring characteristic of logarithm characteristic polynominal characteristic polynominal of a matrix characteristic root characteristic vector chart check choice choice function chord chord of contact cipher circle circle of closest contact circle of contact circle of convergence circle of curvature circle of inversion circle of similarity circle of similitude circmuscribe circuit circulant Circular circular cone circular cylinder circular function circular measure circular motion circular permutation circular points at infinity (ideal points) circumcentre circumcircle circumference circumscribed circumscribing sphere cissoid class classification classification of siggularities clockwise direction clockwise sense clopen closed closed ball closed interval closed map closed mapping closed open closed set closure of a set closure operation closure operator closure point closure under operation cluster point coalition coaltitude coaxial coaxial circles | Show All Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Credits: मराठी भाषा - श्री. संजय भगत परिभाषा कोश १ मे १९६० रोजी महाराष्ट्र राज्याची स्थापना झाल्यानंतर राजभाषा मराठीचा शासन व्यवहारात वापर करण्याबाबतचे धोरण राबविण्यासाठी शासन निर्णय, सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग,क्रमांक ओएफएल-११५९ बी दिनांक ६ जुलै १९६० अन्वये भाषा संचालनालयाची स्थापना करण्यात आली. मराठी राजभाषा असल्याचे घोषित करणारा कायदा विधानमंडळात मंजूर होऊन दिनांक ११ जानेवारी, १९६५ रोजी महाराष्ट्र राजपत्रातून जाहीर झाला व तदन्वये मराठीचा राज्य कारभारात जास्तीत जास्त वापर करण्याचे ठरले. राजभाषा मराठीविषयक शासनाचे धोरण राबवताना आधुनिक तंत्रज्ञानाद्वारे विविध विषयावरील शास्त्रीय व तांत्रिक परिभाषा कोश तयार करणे, शासन व्यवहारासाठी आवश्यक परिभाषा घडविणे, शब्दावल्या तयार करणे हे भाषा संचालनालयाचे महत्वाचे उद्दिष्ट आहे! 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