Dictionaries | References a AND { अन्द् } Script: Latin Meaning Related Words AND गणितशास्त्र | English Marathi Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 व AND Student’s English-Sanskrit Dictionary | English Sanskrit Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 And,conj.च repeated after each word joined, or after all. In the case of nouns, ex. by Dvandva comps.; ‘the Sun and the Moon’ आदित्यचंद्रौ. ROOTS:चआदित्यचंद्रौ2 (With adjectives) gen.ex. by Karm. comps.; अलसलुलितमुग्धानि अंगकानि; (with numerals) by a comp. with अधिक, उत्तर; ‘100 a. 8’ अष्टाधिकं-अष्टोत्तरं शतं. ROOTS:अलसलुलितमुग्धानिअंगकानिअधिकउत्तरअष्टाधिकंअष्टोत्तरंशतं3 (In the case of verbs) ex. by the use of gerunds; ‘go a. tell him’ गत्वा तस्मै कथय; sometimes by वा in questions; जात अस्ति ते माता स्मरसि वा तातं (U. 4). ROOTS:गत्वातस्मैकथयवाजातअस्तितेमातास्मरसिवातातं4अपि च, अन्यच्च, किं च. ‘A. then’ अथ, तदनु, ततः; ‘a. yet,’ तथापि, or ex. by च-च; असुलभा सकलेंदु- -मुखी च सा किमपि चेदमनंगविचेष्टितं (V. 2). ROOTS:अपिचअन्यच्चकिंचअथतदनुतततथापिचचअसुलभासकलेंदुमुखीचसाकिमपिचेदमनंगविचेष्टितं AND A Dictionary: English and Sanskrit | English Sanskrit Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 AND , conj.च placed after the word which it connects with another. In many cases ‘and’ may be omitted in San- skrit, and the connection expressed by the use of the indeclinable participle; as, ‘the beasts assembled andinformed the lion,’ पशुभिर्मिलित्वा सिंहो विज्ञप्तः. — (Moreover) अपिच, किञ्च, अपरं, अन्यच्च. — (And then) अथ. ROOTS:चपशुभिर्मिलित्वासिंहोविज्ञप्तअपिचकिञ्चअपरंअन्यच्चअथ Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP