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   { hōlākam }
Script: Devanagari


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
होलाकम् [hōlākam]   A religious act performed by those that hail from east india; ये प्राच्या इति (समाख्याताः) ते होलाका- दीन् (करिष्यन्ति) ŚB. on [MS.1.3.19.] -Comp.
-अधिकरणन्यायः   A rule of interpretation according to which in the absence of a श्रुति text supporting what is stated in स्मृतिs and कल्पसूत्रs, the existence of a general श्रुति text in its support may be assumed on the strength of inference. it is not, however, admissible to assume the existence of restricted श्रुति texts (i. e. texts restricting a particular act to a particular class or land); सामान्य- श्रुतिकल्पनायामस्ति प्रमाणं न विशेषश्रुतिकल्पनायाम् । this rule is discussed by जैमिनि and शबर at [MS.1.3.15-23.]

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