सूनु m. 1.m. one who urges or incites, an inciter, [Sāy.] on [RV. i, 103, 4] सवितृ the sun (= ), [L.] सूनु m. 2.m. a son, child, offspring, [RV.] &c. &c. a younger brother, [Kir. i, 24] a daughter's son, [W.] N. of a ऋषि (having the patr. आर्भव or काश्यप, author of [RV. x, 176] ), [Anukr.] ; [IndSt.] सूनु f. f. a daughter, [Mn. i, 10.] सूनु [ cf. Zd. hunu; Lith. sūnús; Slav. synŭ; Goth. sunus; Angl.Sax. sunu; Eng. son; Germ. Sohn.] सूनु m. 3.m. (for 1.2. See under √ 1. 2. सू) one who presses out or extracts the सोम-juice, [RV. iii, 1, 12] (= सोतृ1 [Sāy.] ) सूनु a 1. 2. 3. . See under √ 1. 2. सू, and p. 1241, col. 3.