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   { śaṇḍhāmarka }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
ŚAṆḌHĀMARKA   The two ṛṣis called Śaṇḍha and Marka, who were priests of the asuras and whose presence made them invincible. The Devas enticed the two priests to their side by offering them soma and thus rendered the asuras powerless. When the Devas after some time, began a yajña, Śaṇḍha and Marka approached them for the promised soma, but the Devas did not keep their word, and the disillusioned Śaṇḍhamarkas were driven out of the yājñic hall. [Taittirīyasaṁhitā, 6, 4, 10] .

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