व्य्-आ-√ हृ P. Ā. -हरति, °ते, to utter or pronounce a sound, speak, say to (acc. ), converse with (सह), name (with नामभिस्, to call by name; with प्रश्नान्, to answer questions; with उदाहराणि, to state examples), [TBr.] &c. &c.; to begin to talk (said of a child), [MBh.] ; to confess, avow to (gen. ), ib.; to utter inarticulate sounds, cry, scream (said of animals), KātyŚr.; to sport, enjoy one's self (exceptionally for वि-√ हृ), [BhP.] ; to cut off, sever, [MBh. vi, 2757] (B. वि-√ हृ) : Desid. -जिहीर्षति, to wish to pronounce or utter, [ŚBr.]