Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वकव्रतिन्  m.  (-ती) A false devotee, a religious hypocrite, or one who as- sumes the appearance of devotion or meditation, for interested pur- poses.
   E. वक a crane, व्रत observance, and इनि aff.; compared to the crane, who stands by a pool demure and sly, and apparently absorbed in contemplation, till be sees a fish on which to dart; also
   with ठक् aff. वकव्रतिक, and derived from वक, and चर who goes, वकचर; or वकव्रतचर
  m.  (-रः) &c.: see वैडालव्रतिक .

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