Dictionaries | References


   { brāhmaṇya }
Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   brāhmaṇya n S The state, office, function, business of a Bráhman, Bráhmanism.


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
ब्राह्मण्य  mfn. mfn. (fr.ब्राह्मण॑) fit for Brāhmans, [MBh.]
ब्राह्मण्य  m. m. the planet saturn, [L.] (cf.2.ब्रह्मण्य)
ब्राह्मण्य  n. n. the state or rank of a Brāhman, Brāhmanhood, priestly rank or character, [ŚBr.] &c. &c. (cf.अ-ब्र्°)
   a multitude or assembly of Brāhmans, [R.] (cf.[Pāṇ. 4-2, 42] ).


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
ब्राह्मण्य [brāhmaṇya] a.  a. befitting a Brāhmaṇa.
-ण्यः   An epithet of the planet saturn. -ण्यम्
   The station or rank of a Brāhmaṇa, priestly or sacerdotal character; सत्यं शपे ब्राह्मण्येन [Mk.5;] [Pt.1.66;] [Ms.3.17;7.42.]
   A collection of Brāhmaṇas; ब्राह्मण्यं कृत्स्नमेतत्त्वां ब्रह्मण्यमनुगच्छति [Rām.2.45.21.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
ब्राह्मण्य  m.  (-ण्यः) The planet saturn.
  n.  (-ण्यं)
   1. An assembly of Brāh- mans.
   2. The state, quality or business of a Brāhman, Brāhman- hood.
   E. ब्रह्मन् and यञ् aff.; or ब्राह्मन and यत् aff.

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