Dictionaries | References


   { prahṛṣ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्र-√ हृष्   P.-हृष्यति, (mc. also Ā.°ते), to rejoice, be glad or cheerful, exult, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.:
Caus.-हर्षयति, to set (the teeth) on edge, [Car.] ;


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्रहृष् [prahṛṣ]   4 [P.]
   To be glad, to rejoice; न प्रहृष्येत् प्रियं प्राप्य [Bg.5.2;11.36.]
   To stand on end, bristle (as hair of the body).
   To rejoice beforehand, anticipate pleasure. -Caus.
   To gladden, exhilarate, delight.
   To encourage, inspirit; प्रहर्षयेद्बलं व्यूह्य तांश्च सम्यक् परीक्षयेत् [Ms.7.194.]

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