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   { pramāthin }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्र-°माथिन्  mfn. mfn. stirring about, tearing, rending, troubling, harassing, destroying, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
प्र °माथिन्
   striking off, used for striking off, [MBh.]
   (in med.) throwing out i.e. producing secretion of the vessels, [Car.] ; [Bhpr.]
प्र-°माथिन्  m. m.also title or epithet).">N. of the 13th (47th) year of a 60 years' cycle of jupiter, [Var.] (also w.r. for प्र-मादिन्)
प्र °माथिन्
   of a राक्षस, [MBh.]
   of a son of धृत-राष्ट्र, ib.
   of a monkey, [R.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्रमाथिन् [pramāthin]   a.
   tormenting, harassing, torturing, afflicting, harrowing; क्व रुजा हृदयप्रमाथिनी क्व च ते विश्वस- नीयमायुधम् [M.3.2;] [Māl.2.1;] [Ki.3.14.]
   killing, destroying.
   Agitating, setting in motion; इन्द्रियाणि प्रमाथीनि हरन्ति प्रसभं मनः [Bg.2.6;6.34.]
   tearing or pulling down, striking down; वर्त्मसु ध्वजतरुप्रमाथिनः [R.11.58.]
   cutting down; प्रमाथिनस्तान् भवमार्गणानाम् (बाणान्) [Ki.17.31.]
   (In medic.) Producing secretion of the vessels. -m. N. of a year.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्रमाथिन्   mfw. (थी-थिनी-थि)
   1. afflicting, inflicting pain or sorrow.
   2. killing, destroying.
   3. breaking, cutting.
   4. striking down.
   E. प्र before, मथि to churn, to grind, to pain, and घिनुण् aff.
प्र मथि घिनुण्

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