Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   A vice or a moral blemish in woman. six are reckoned; viz. अनृत, साहस, माया, मूर्खत्व, अतिलोभता, अपवित्रत्व or अशौच, to which some add निर्दयत्व. another account is Spiritdrinking, keeping bad company, quitting a husband, rambling abroad, and dwelling in a strange house--these expressed by पान, दुर्जनसंग, पति- विरह, अटन, अन्यगृहवास, to which five, in order to the complement of six, is added स्वप्न, understood variously as somnolency, sleeping with a strange man, dreaming of a strange man &c.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
   A vice or a moral blemish in woman.


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
नारी—दूषण  n. n. any woman's vice (6 usually reckoned, viz. drinking spirits, keeping bad company, quitting a husband, rambling abroad, sleeping and dwelling in a strange house), [W.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
नारीदूषण  n.  (-णं) A vice or breach of duty in a woman, of which six cases are reckoned, drinking spirits, keeping bad company, quit- ting a husband, rambling abroad, and sleeping or dwelling in a strange house.
   E. नारी a woman, दूषण defect.

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