Dictionaries | References

झाडावरचें भूत

Script: Devanagari

झाडावरचें भूत

A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   A designation for any vile or hateful person whom it is not desirable to mention by his name.

झाडावरचें भूत

Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
   A designation for any vile or hateful person whom it is not desirable to mention by his name.

झाडावरचें भूत

   कोणीतरी तिरस्‍करणीय मनुष्‍य
   नांव सुद्धां घेऊं नये असा क्षुद्र मनुष्‍य
   नीच इसम.

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