छद् 1.cl. 1. °दति, to cover, xxxii, 41">[Dhātup. xxxii, 41] (v.l. ) : Caus. (or cl. 10) छाद॑यति ( once छ॑द्°, [AitBr. i, 30] ; छन्द्° [ fr. √ 1.छन्द्] xxxii, 41">[Dhātup. xxxii, 41] ; ep. also Ā. pf. छादयांचक्रे, iv, 58, 7">[R. iv, 58, 7] ; p. °यान, vi, 2430">[MBh. vi, 2430] ), to cover, cover over, clothe, veil, vi, 75, 18">[RV. vi, 75, 18] ; ix, 3, 14">[AV. ix, 3, 14] ; ii, v">[TS. ii, v] ; [ŚBr.] &c.; to spread as a cover, [AitBr. i, 30] ; to cover one's self, ---10--- ; to hide, conceal, keep secret, ---11--- ; 90, 16">---12--- ; to protect, iii, 11">[ŚāṅkhGṛ. iii, 11] ; iii, 9, 6">---14--- ( ---15--- ) : Caus. Desid. चिच्छादयिषति, ---16--- , Vārtt. 2, [Pat.] ; छद् [cf. Goth. scadus.] छद् mfn. 2.mfn.ifc. (---18--- ) ‘covering’ see धाम- and (?) भूते-च्छ॑द्, मल्लिका- आ cf. -. छद् 3. or 2. छन्द्cl. 10. छद॑यति (also °ते = √ अर्च्, iii, 14">[Naigh. iii, 14] [v.l. , °ति]; Subj. °यत्, [RV.] ; 2. pl. °याथ, i, 165, 12), छन्दयति (twice cl. 1. छ॑न्दति [= अर्चति, iii, 14">[Naigh. iii, 14] ] [MBh. xii] ; Ā. [Subj. °याते] [RV.] ; aor. अचच्छदत्, ix, 8">[Nir. ix, 8] ; अच्छान्, [RV.] ; 2. pl. °न्त, i, 165, 12; 3. pl. °न्त्सुर्, x, 119, 3; Subj. छन्त्सत् [ii, 6">[Naigh. ii, 6] ] ---27--- ; 2. sg. °त्सि, i, 163, 4; perf. चच्छन्द, 73, 3">vii, 73, 3; Pot. चच्छद्यात्, 73, 9">x, 73, 9) to seem, appear, be considered as, [RV.] ; xiv, 5">[TāṇḍyaBr. xiv, 5] ; to seem good, please (with dat. ), ---30--- ; [ŚBr. viii] ; (with acc,), xii, 7379">[MBh. xii, 7379] ( cf. 7376); Ā. to be pleased with, delight in ( acc. or loc. ), viii, 50, 5; x, 27, 8">[RV. viii, 50, 5; x, 27, 8] ; |