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   { caturthīvrata }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
CATURTHĪVRATA   A fast undertaken so that one may be happy for one year, may achieve all desires and attain Śivaloka. while observing this fast one should worship Gaṇapati on the fourth day after new moon (Caturthī) in the month of Makara (february-march). next day the fast should be broken by eating cooked rice and oil seeds. The Mūlamantra of Gaṇapati is ‘gaṁ svāhā’; hṛdayādiṣaḍaṅgas beginning with ‘gam’. ‘Āgacchātikāya’ is the āvāhana mantra and ‘Gacchātikāya’ the visarjana mantra. Gaṇapati should be worshipped with mantras ending with ‘tuṅkāya’ and beginning with ‘gakāra’ as also with offering of sandal paste, rice balls etc. “Oṁ Mahotkāyāya vidmahe vakratuṇḍāya dhīmahi tanno dantī pracodayāt” is the Gaṇeśa gāyatrī mantra. he or she who performs the Caturthī vrata will attain Śivaloka. if Gaṇapati is worshipped on a tuesday which is also Caturthī the devotee will get all his desires satisfied. Caturthī occurring in Mīna (march-april) is called Avighnacaturthī, and that day fasting should be in the night. On Caturthī in april- may Gaṇapati should be worshipped with damanaka flowers, and then the worshipper will become very happy. [Agni Purāṇa, Chapter 179] . also see Vināyaka Caturthī.

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