Dictionaries | References क्ष क्षौम { kṣaumḥ } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words क्षौम A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 क्षौम mfn. mf(ई)n. (fr.क्षुमा; = क्षोम, [Uṇ. i, 138] ), made of linen, linen, [Lāṭy.] ; [Gobh.] ; [PārGṛ.] &c.covered with linen, [W.] prepared from linseed (as oil), [Suśr.] क्षौम mn. mn. = अट्ट (an airy room on the top of a house, apartment on the roof, back of an edifice, fortified place in front of a building, building of a particular form, [W.] ; cf.क्षोम), [L.] क्षौम n. n. linen cloth or garment, KātyŚr.; [Gaut.] ; [Mn.] &c. (also = दुकूल, [L.] )linseed, [Suśr.] the flower of flax, [L.] क्षौम The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 क्षौमः [kṣaumḥ] a. a. [क्षु-मन्-स्वार्थे अण्] Made of linen, linen धारयामि च चीराणि शाणक्षौमाजिनानि च [Mb.12.179.23.] मः, मम् Silken cloth, woven silk; क्षौमं केनचिदिन्दुपाण्डु तरुणा माङ्गल्य- माविष्कृतम् [Ś.4.5;] क्षौमान्तरितमेखले (अङ्के) [R.1.8.] An airy room on the top of a house.The back of an edifice.A fortified place before a building.मम् Linen cloth. वासः क्षौमम् Mbh. on VIII.3.37.Linseed.-मी Flax. क्षौम Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 क्षौम mfn. (-मः-मी-मं) Linen, made of linen, coverd with it, &c. f. (-मी) Lin or flax, (Linum usitatissimum.) mn. (-मः-मं)1. An airy room on the top of a house.2. An apartment on the top of a hall.3. The back of an edifice.4. A fortified place in front of a building. 5. A building of a particular form.6. Wove silk:7. Linen clothE. क्षोम q. v. अण् added. ROOTS:क्षोम अण् Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP