क्रमण m. m. a step, KātyŚr. iii, 8, 11 Sch. the foot, [L.] a horse, [L.] N. of a son of भज-मान, [Hariv. 2002] क्रमण n. n. stepping, walking, going, [RV. vi, 70, 3] ; [Yājñ. i, 188] ; [Mṛcch.] ; [BhP.] stepping or treading upon (in comp. ), [ŚāṅkhGṛ.] transgressing ( ifc. ), [MBh. xii, 16254] ; [R. v, 1] (at end) a step, [RV. i, 155, 5] approaching or undertaking anything ( dat. ), [Pāṇ. 3-1, 14] treatment of words or letters according to the क्रम arrangement ( i.e. doubling letters or words &c.), [RPrāt. xiv.]