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   { kārṣāpaṇḥ, kārṣāpaṇa(m) }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
KĀRṢĀPAṆA(M)   (KĀRṢIKAM). A measure of weight for gold and silver in ancient india.


 वि.  जुन्या काळचें एक नाणें . ' आपण कोणापासून एक कार्षापणहि द्क्षिणा म्हणुन घेऊं इच्छित नाहीं .' - चंद्र ६९ . ( सं . कर्षापण )


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कार्षापण  mn. mn. (g.अर्धर्चा-दि; cf.कर्ष्) ‘weighing a कर्ष’, a coin or weight of different values (if of gold, = 16 माषs see कर्ष; if of silver, = 16 पणs or 1280 Kowries, commonly termed a Kahān; if of copper, = 80 रक्तिकाs or about 176 grains; but accord. to some = only 1 पण of Kowries or 80 Kowries), viii, 136; 336; ix, 282">[Mn. viii, 136; 336; ix, 282]
   (ifc.) worth so many कार्षापणs, [Pāṇ. 5-1, 29]
कार्षापण  n. n. money, gold and silver, [L.]
कार्षापण  m. m. pl.also title or epithet).">N. of a warrior-tribe g.पर्श्व्-आदि
कार्षापण  m. m. the chief of this tribe, same place or book or text' as the preceding">ib. and 4-1, 177, Vārtt. 2.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कार्षापणः [kārṣāpaṇḥ] णम् [ṇam]   णम् (or पणकः) A coin or weight of different values; पुराकल्प एतदासीत् षोडश माषाः कार्षापणं Mbh. on [P.I.2.64.] कार्षापणं तु विज्ञेयस्ताम्रिकः कार्षिकः पणः [Ms.9.136,336;9.282.] (= कर्ष). न हि काकिन्यां नष्टायां तदन्वेषणं कार्षापणेन क्रियते ŚB. on [MS.4.3.39.]
-णम्   money, gold and silver.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कार्षापण  mn.  (-णः-णं) A weight or measure of different values, as syno- [Page177-b+ 60] nimous with Karsha; it is of gold, weighing sixteen Mashas, or about 176 grains; of silver, it is in value sixteen Panas of kow- ries, or in tale 1280 commonly termed a Kahan: of copper it weighs eighty Retis, or the same as of gold, about 176 grains; according to some, it is the same as a pan of Kowries, or in tale eighty.
  n.  (-णं) money, gold and silver.
  m.  (-णः) A husbandman.
   E. कर्ष a Karsha of silver, आपण custom, habit, and the vowel of कर्ष lengthened; also
   with कन् added कार्षापणकः see कर्षपण and कार्षिक.

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