Dictionaries | References


   { upākaraṇam }
Script: Devanagari


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
उपाकरणम् [upākaraṇam]   1 An invitation to begin, bringing near; पवमान˚, प्रातरनुवाक˚ &c.
   A term given to certain sentences called Praiṣas (with which one priest calls another to perform a sacrifice).
   immolation, sacrifice of an animal consecrated according to rites.
   preparation, beginning, commencement.
   commencement of reading the veda after the performance of the preparatory rite; cf. उपाकर्मन्; वेदोपाकरणाख्यं कर्म करिष्ये Srāvaṇī-mantra.

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