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   { īh }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
ईह्   cl. 1. Ā.ईहते, ईहां-चक्रे, ईहिष्यते, ईहितुम्, rarely P.ईहति, &c., to endeavour to obtain;
to aim at, attempt;
to long for, desire;
to take care of;
to have in mind, think of (with acc.), [MBh.] ; [R.] ; [BhP.] ; [Bhag.] ; [Pañcat. &c.] :
Caus.ईहयति, to impel.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
ईह् [īh]   1 Ā. (ईहते, ईहाञ्चक्रे, ऐहिष्ट, ईहिष्यते, ईहितुम्, ईहित)
   To wish, desire, long for; have in mind, think of with acc. or inf.; ईहन्ते ... अर्थसंचयान् [Bg.16.12,7.22;] [Ms.4.15,] 3.126; ऐहिष्ट तं कारयितुं कृतात्मा [Bk.1.11.]
   To endeavour to obtain.
   To aim at or attempt, endeavour, strive; माधुर्यं मधुबिन्दुना रचयितुं क्षाराम्बुधेरीहते [Bh.2.6;] [Y.2.116.]
   To take care of. -Caus. To impel, urge.


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 

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