Dictionaries | References


   { āsattiḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
आसत्तिः [āsattiḥ]  f. f. [आ-सद्-क्तिन्]
   meeting, junction.
   intimate union, nearness, close contact; किमपि किमपि मन्दं मन्दमासत्तियोगात् [U.1.27.]
   gain, profit, acquirement.
   (In logic) proximity, the absence of interruption in the apprehension of what is said; relation between two or more proximate terms and the sense conveyed by them; कारणं सन्निधानं तु पदस्या- सत्तिरुच्यते Bhāṣā [P.83;] वाक्यं स्याद् योग्यताकाङ्क्षासत्तियुक्तः पदोच्चयः [S. D.2.]
   embarrassment, perplexity; न च ते क्वचिदासत्तिर्बुद्धेः प्रादुर्भविष्यति [Mb.12.52.17.]
   आसदनम् gain, profit.
   contact, union.
   nearness, proximity.
   The act of sitting down.
   A seat.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
आसत्ति  f.  (-त्तिः)
   1. intimate union, meeting, junction.
   2. gain, profit, acquirement.
   3. In logic, connexion or relation between two or more proximate terms and the sense they convey.
   E. आङ् before षद् to go, affix क्तिन्.
आङ् षद् क्तिन्

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