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   { āvāpa }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   āvāpa m S sowing. In comp. as धान्यावाप, बीजावाप, क्षेत्रावाप.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  m  sowing.


  पु. पेरणें ; सामाशब्द - धान्यावाप ; बीजावाप ; क्षेत्रावाप . [ सं . आ + वप = पेरणें ]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
आ-वाप  m. am. scattering, throwing
   sowing seed, [MBh.] Comm. on [Yājñ.]
   insertion, [Śulb.]
   casting, directing
   (in med.) throwing additional ingredients into any mixture in course of preparation
   mixing, inserting
   setting out or arranging vessels, jars, &c., [L.]
   a kind of drink, [L.]
   a bracelet, [L.]
   a basin for water round the root of a tree, [L.]
   uneven ground, [L.]
   hostile purpose, intention of going to war, [Sāh.] ; [Śiś.] &c.
   a vessel
   principal oblation to fire, ---10---
व्यसना   a receptacle (cf.-व्°).
आ-वाप   b &c. see आ-√ वप्.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
आवाप [āvāpa] a.  a. [आवप्-घञ्] Throwing, scattering. (as in अक्षावाप q. v.).
   पः sowing seed.
   scattering, throwing in general; casting, directing.
   mixing, inserting.
   especially, throwing additional ingredients into a compound in course of preparation.
   A basin for water round the root of a tree (आलवाल).
   A vessel, jar for corn.
   setting out or arranging vessels.
   hostile purpose, intention of fighting (with another); foreign affairs; 'तन्त्रः स्वराङ्कचिन्तायामा- वापः परचिन्तने इति वैजयन्ती; तन्त्रावापविद् [Śi.2.88.]
   A principal sacrifice or oblation to fire.
   A kind of drink.
   A bracelet (आवापक).
   uneven ground.
   decentralisation, a matter which serves several persons or things only if repeated with each one of them (opp. तन्त्र q. v.) यस्तु आवृत्त्या उपकरोति स आवापःयथा तेषामेव ब्राह्मणानामनुलेपनम् । ŚB. on [MS.11.1.1.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
आवाप  m.  (-पः)
   1. A basin for water round the root of a tree.
   2. A bracelet. 3. hostile purpose, intention of going to war, (as a king.)
   4. throw- ing, casting, directing.
   5. sowing seed.
   6. Throwing additional ingredients into any compound, (in pharmacy, &c.) in course of preparation.
   7. mixing, inserting.
   8. uneven ground.
   9. A vessel. 10. principal sacrifice with fire.
   E. आङ्, वप् to sow, घञ् aff.
आङ् वप् घञ्

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