श्लिष्टि f. f. adherence, connection, [MW.]
an embrace, ib.
श्लिष्टि m. m.
N. of a son of ध्रुव, [Hariv.] ; [VP.]
ŚLIṢṬI Son of Dhruva. Dhruva had two children Śliṣṭi and Succhāyā by his wife Śambhu. Śliṣṭi married Succhāyā. Five sons, Ripu, Ripuñjaya, Puṇya, Vṛkala and Vṛkatejas, were born to them. Ripu, the eldest of them, was the father of Cākṣuṣa Manu, according to Harivaṁ a, Chapter 2.
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