Dictionaries | References


   { aṇa }
Script: Devanagari


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अण [aṇa] न [n] क [k]   (न) क a. [अणति यथेच्छं नदति, अण्-अच् कुत्सायां कन् च] very small, contemptible, mean, insignificant, wretched; पापाणके कुत्सितैः [P.II.1.54;] oft. in comp. in the sense of deterioration or contempt; ˚कुलालः Sk. a contemptible potter. cf. also मृतेऽपि त्वयि जीवन्त्या किं मयाणक- भार्यया [Bk.14.58.]
-कः   A kind of bird.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अण   r. 1st. cl. (अणति) To sound. (ङ,) 4th cl. (अण्यते) To breathe, to live; with प्र, to exist, to live. see अन.

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