युज् 1. (cf. √ 2.यु) cl. 7. P. Ā. ([Dhātup. xxix, 7] ) युन॑क्ति, युङ्क्ते॑ (ep. also युञ्जति, °ते; Ved. योजति, °ते; युजे, युज्महे, 3. pl. युजतImpv. युक्ष्व॑; Pot. युञ्जीयात्, [R.] ; pf. युयो॑ज, युयुजे॑, [RV.] &c. &c., 3. sg. युयोजते, [RV. viii, 70, 7] ; aor. Class. P. अयोक्षीत्, अयौक्षीत् or अयुजत्; Ved. also Ā. अ॑युजि; Ved. and Class. अयुक्षि, अयुक्त; fut. योक्ता॑, [Br.] ; योक्ष्यति, ib.; °ते, [AV.] &c. &c.; inf. योक्तुम्, [Br.] ; युजे॑, [RV.] ; ind.p. युक्त्वा॑, ib. &c. &c.; युक्त्वा॑य, [RV.] ; [Br.] ; -युज्य, [MBh.] &c.), to yoke or join or fasten or harness (horses or a chariot), [RV.] &c. &c.; to make ready, prepare, arrange, fit out, set to work, use, employ, apply, ib.; to equip (an army), [R.] ; to offer, perform (prayers, a sacrifice), [BhP.] ; to put on (arrows on a bow-string), [MBh.] ; to fix in, insert, inject (semen), [ŚBr.] ; to appoint to, charge or intrust with (loc. or dat. ), [MBh.] ; [VP.] ; to command, enjoin, [BhP.] ; to turn or direct or fix or concentrate (the mind, thoughts &c.) upon (loc. ), [TS.] &c. &c.; (P. Ā. ) to concentrate the mind in order to obtain union with the Universal Spirit, be absorbed in meditation (also with योगम्), [MaitrUp.] ; [Bhag.] &c.; to recollect, recall, [MBh.] ; to join, unite, connect, add, bring together, [RV.] &c. &c. (Ā. to be attached, cleave to, [Hariv.] ); to confer, or bestow anything (acc. ) upon (gen. or loc. ), [BhP.] ; [MārkP.] (Ā. with acc. , to become possessed of [MBh.] ; with आत्मनि, to use for one's self, enjoy, [Mn. vi, 12] ); to bring into possession of, furnish or endow with (instr. ), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] ; [R.] &c.; to join one's self to (acc. ), [RV.] ; (in astron. ) to come into union or conjunction with (acc. ), [VarBṛS.] : Pass. युज्य॑ते (ep. also °ति; aor. अ॑योजि), to be yoked or harnessed or joined &c., [RV.] &c. &c.; to attach one's self to (loc. ), [Hit.] ; to be made ready or prepared for (dat. ), [Bhag.] ; to be united in marriage, [Gaut.] ; [MBh.] ; to be endowed with or possessed of (instr. with or without सह), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.; (in astron. ) to come into conjunction with (instr. ), [VarBṛS.] ; to accrue to, fall to the lot of (gen. ), [Pañcat.] ; to be fit or proper or suitable or right, suit anything (instr. ), be fitted for (loc. ), belong to or suit any one (loc. or gen. ), deserve to be (nom. ), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.; (with न) not to be fit or proper &c. for (instr. ) or to (inf. , also with pass. sense = ‘ought not to be’), [Kāv.] ; [Kathās.] ; [Pañcat.] : Caus. योजयति (mc. also °ते; aor. अयूयुजत्; Pass. योज्यते), to harness, yoke with (instr. ), put to (loc. ), [Kauś.] ; [MBh.] &c.; to equip (an army), draw up (troops), [MBh.] ; [R.] &c.; to use, employ, set to work, apply, undertake, carry on, perform, accomplish, [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.; to urge or impel to, [Bhartṛ.] ; [Prab.] ; to lead towards, help to (loc. ), [Sarvad.] ; to set (snares, nets &c.), [MBh.] ; [Hit.] ; to put or fix on (esp. arrows), [ĀśvGṛ.] ; [MBh.] &c.; to aim (arrows) at (loc. ), [R.] ; to fasten on or in, attack, adjust, add, insert, [Kauś.] ; [Kāv.] ; [Pur.] ; (with मनस्, आत्मानम् &c.) to direct the thoughts to, concentrate or fix the mind upon (loc. ), [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] ; [Pur.] ; to join, unite, connect, combine, bring or put together (also = write, compose), [R.] ; [Var.] ; [Rājat.] &c.; to encompass, embrace, [MBh.] ; to put in order, arrange, repair, restore, [Rājat.] ; to endow or furnish or provide with (instr. ), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.; to mix (food) with (instr. ), [Mn. vii, 218] ; to confer anything upon (loc. ), [BhP.] ; (in astron. ) to ascertain or know (जानाति) the conjunction of the moon with an asterism (instr. ), [Pāṇ. 3-1, 26] , Vārtt. 11 [Pat.] ; (Ā. ) to think little of, esteem lightly, despise, [Vop.] in [Dhātup. xxxiii, 36] : Desid. युयुक्षति, to wish to harness or yoke or join &c.; to wish to appoint or institute, [MBh.] ; to wish to fix or aim (arrows), [BhP.] ; (Ā. ) to wish to be absorbed in meditation, devout, [Bhaṭṭ.] : Intens. योयुज्यते, योयुजीति or योयोक्तिGr. युज् [cf. Gk. ζεύγνυμι, ζυγόν; Lat. jungere, jugum; Lith. júngus; Slav. igo; Goth. juk; Germ. joh, Joch; Angl.Sax. geoc; Eng. yoke.] युज् mfn. 2.mfn. (mostly ifc. ; when uncompounded, the strong cases have a nasal e.g. nom. युङ्, युञ्जौ, युञ्जस्, but अश्व-युक् &c., [Pāṇ. 7-1, 71] ) joined, yoked, harnessed, drawn by, [RV.] &c. &c. (cf. अश्व-, हरि-, हयो-त्तम-युज्) furnished or provided or filled with, affected by, possessed of (instr. , mostly comp. ), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. काम-युज् bestowing, granting (e.g. , ‘g° wishes’), [Hariv.] युण् भियः exciting, an exciter (e.g. , an exc° of fear), [Bhaṭṭ.] being in couples or pairs, even (not odd or separate), [Lāṭy.] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c. युज् m. m. a yoke-fellow, companion, comrade, associate, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [Br.] a sage who devotes his time to abstract contemplation, [W.] a pair, couple, the number ‘two’ [Pañcar.] du. the two अश्विन्s, [L.] (in astron. ) the zodiacal sign Gemini.