Dictionaries | References


   { mīlita }
Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   mīlita p S mixed or mingled. 2 met. 3 met together; closed or shut by coming into contact. 4 blended or brought into agreement.


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मीलित  mfn. mfn. one who has closed his eyes, sleepy (only compar.°त॑-तर), [ŚBr.]
मुक्त   closed, obstructed (opp. to ), [PañcavBr.]
   closed, unblown, partly opened (as eyes, blossoms &c.), [Kāv.] ; [Pur.]
   disappeared, ceased to be, [BhP.]
   met, assembled, gathered together, [Rājat.]
   (in. rhet.) an implied simile (in which the similarity between two objects is only implied, as in the example: ‘women clothed in white are invisible in the moonlight, therefore they are as bright as moonlight’), [Kpr.] ; [Kuval.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मीलित [mīlita] p.p. p.  p. p. [मील्-क्त]
   shut, closed.
   half-opened, unblown.
   vanished, disappeared.
   assembled, gathered (for मिलित).
-तम्   (In Rhet.) A figure of speech in which the difference or distinction between two objects is shown to be completely obscured on account of their similarity, whether natural or artificial, in some respects; it is thus defined by Mammaṭa: समेन लक्ष्मणा वस्तु वस्तुना यन्निगूह्यते । निजेनागन्तुना वापि तन्मीलितमिति स्मृतम्[K. P.1.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मीलित  mfn.  (-तः-ता-तं)
   1. Twinkled.
   2. unblown, partly opened, as a young bud, &c.
  n.  (-तं) indirect allusion or description, (in rhe- toric.)
   E. मील् to twinkle, aff. क्त .
मील् क्त .

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