ध्वन् 1. (only aor. अ॑ध्वनीत्), to become covered or extinguished (as anger), [RV.] : Caus. अ॑ध्वानयत्aor. ध्वनयीत्, to envelop, wrap up, darken, ib. ध्वन् [cf. 2.ध्वान्त॑; Lith. dumju, dumti, to cover, wrap up; Angl.Sax. dvinan, dvan, to be extinguished, vanish; dun, dark-brown, dark.] ध्वन् 2.cl. 1. P. ध्वनति (perf. दध्वान, दध्वनुर्, [Bhaṭṭ.] ; fut. ध्वनिष्यति, °निताGr. ) to sound, roar, make a noise, echo, reverberate, [Kāv.] &c.; to mean, imply, (esp. Pass. ध्वन्यते, it is meant, it is implied) : Caus. ध्वानयति, [Dhātup.] (aor. अदिध्वनत् or अदध्°Gr. ), to cause to sound, make resound (cf. °नयत् below); ध्वनयति, to allude to, hint at, [Mṛcch.] Comm. Intens. in दन्ध्वनq.v. ध्वन् [cf. 1.ध्वान्त॑: Lith. dundéti, to sound, call; Angl.Sax. dynian, to thunder.]