त्वच् 1.cl. 6. °चति, to cover, [Dhātup.] त्वच् f. 2.f. skin (of men, serpents &c.), hide (of goats, cows &c.), [RV.] &c. (कृष्णा॑, ‘the black man’, i, 130, 8) a cow's hide (used in pressing out the सोम), iii, ix">i, iii, ix; xix, 82">[VS. xix, 82] a leather bag, 33, 7">[RV. v, 33, 7] (fig. ‘a cloud’) i & ix bark, rind, peel, [RV.] &c. cassia bark, lxxvii, 6; 12; 24; 32">[VarBṛS. lxxvii, 6; 12; 24; 32] cinnamon, cinnamon tree, [L.] a cover (of a horse), viii, 1, 32">[RV. viii, 1, 32] surface (of the earth), 68, 4">, i, 145, 5; x, 68, 4; vi, 21, 1">[AV. vi, 21, 1] ; [TBr. i, 5, 5, 4] कृष्णा with or अ॑सिक्नी, ‘the black cover’, darkness, ix, 41, 1 and 73, 5">[RV. ix, 41, 1 and 73, 5] य a mystical also title or epithet).">N. of the letter , 77.">[RāmatUp. i, 77.]