उदानः [udānḥ] [अन्-घञ्] Breathing upwards. Breathing, breath in general. One of the five vital airs or life-winds which rises up the throat and enters into the head); the other four being प्राण, अपान, समान and व्यान; स्पन्दयत्यधरं वक्त्रं गात्रनेत्रप्रकोपनः । उद्वेजयति मर्माणि उदानो नाम मारुतः ॥ (With Buddhists) An expression of praise or joy. The navel. An eye-lash. A kind of snake. 2. उदन् n. [उन्द्-कनिन् [P.VI.1.63] ] Water (usually occurring in compounds either at the beginning or at the end, and as an optional substitute for उदक after the acc. dual. It has no forms for the first five inflections. In comp. it drops its न्); e. g. उदधि, अच्छोद, क्षीरोद &c. -Comp. -आशयः A lake, tank; शरदुदाशये साधुजातसत्सरसिजोदरश्रीमुषा दृशा [Bhāg.1.31.2.] -ओदनः water-meal. -कीर्णः-र्यः N. N. of a tree (महाकरंज) the bark of which is rubbed and thrown in water to stun the fishes). -कुम्भः a water-jar; [Ms.2.182,3.68.] तपःकृशः शान्त्युदकुम्भहस्तः [Bk.] -ग्राभः Holding water, a cloud (Ved.) उदग्राभस्य नमयन् वधस्नैः [Rv.9.97.15.] -कोष्ठः A water-jar. -ज a. a. aquatic, watery, produced in or by water. -जम् A lotus; एतद्धृषीकचषकैरसकृत्पिबामः शर्वादयोऽङजमध्वमृतासवंध्ऱ्यु ते [Bhāg.1.14.33.] -धानः [उदकं धीयते अत्र] उदान [udāna] See under 1. उदन्. a water-jar. a cloud. -धिः [उदकानि धीयन्तेऽत्र धा-कि उदादेशः] the receptacle of waters, ocean; उदधेरिव निम्नगाशतेष्वभवन्नास्य विमानना क्वचित् [R.8.8.] a lake, any large reservoir of water. a symbolical expression for the number 4 or 7. ˚कन्या, तनया, सुता Lakṣmī, the daughter of the ocean (produced from the ocean among the 14 jewels). ˚क्रमः, -क्राः m. m. a voyager, mariner. ˚मलः cuttle-fish-bone. the foam of the ocean. ˚मेखला or ˚वस्त्रा the earth (girdled by the ocean, sea-girt). ˚राजः the king of waters, i. e. the chief ocean. ˚संभवम् sea-salt. ˚सुता N. of Lakṣmī; and of Dvārakā, the capital of Kṛiṣṇa (said to have been reclaimed from the ocean). -नेमि a. a. Rimmed by the ocean. -प a. a. crossing the water (as a boat).ात्रम्, -त्री a water-jug, vessel; [Ms.3.96.] -पानः, -नम् a small pool or pond near a well, or the well itself; [K.5.] यावानर्थ उदपाने सर्वतः संप्लुतोदके [Bg.2.46.] ˚मण्डूकः (lit.) a frog in a well; (fig.) one who has had no experience of the world at large, a man of limited ideas who knows only his own neighbourhood; cf. कूपमण्डूक. -पीतिः f. f. A place for drinking water. -पेषम् a paste, anything ground with water. (-पम्) ind. [P.III.4.38] and [P.VI.3.28.] by grinding in water. -प्रुत् a. a. Ved. causing water to flow; swimming or splashing in water (?). -प्लवः Waterflood (जलप्रलय); [Bhāg 12.4.13.] (v. l. for उपप्लव). -प्लुत a. a. swimming in water. उदप्लुतमिव दार्वहीनाम् [Av.1.4.3.] -बिन्दुः a drop of water; (प्रपेदिरे) चिरेण नाभि प्रथमोद- बिन्दवः [Ku.5.24.] भारः a water-carrier, i. e. a cloud. Water current (पूर); यमस्वसुश्चित्र इवोदभारः (रराज) [Śi.3.11.] -मन्थः barley-water; a particular mixture; [Mb.13.64.26.] -मानः, -नम् a fiftieth part of an आढक q. v. मेघः a watery cloud. a shower of rain; तुग्रो ह भुज्युमश्विनोदमेघे [Rv.1.116.3.] -मेहिन् a. Having watery urine or diabetes. -लाव- णिक a. a. salted, prepared with brine, briny. वज्रः a thunder shower; water-spout. thunderbolt in the form of water; भिन्दानो हृदयमसाहि नोदवज्रः [Śi.8.39.] -वाप one who offers waters to the manes. -वासः standing or residence in water; सहस्यरात्रीरुदवासतत्परा [Ku.5.26.] (-सम्) a house on the borders of a stream or pond.-वासिन् a. standing in water; [K.23.] -वाह a. a. bringing water; दिवा चित् तमः कृण्वन्ति पर्जन्येनोदवाहेन [Rv.1.38.9.] (-हः) a cloud. वाहनम् a water-vessel. A cloud.-वावधः a yoke for carrying water. -शरावः a jar filled with water; उदशराव आत्मानवेक्ष्य. -शुद्धः a water-jar.-श्वित् n. [उदकन जलेन श्वयति] butter-milk containing fifty per cent water; (i. e. 2 parts of butter-milk and 1 part of water); श्रेयस्तैलं हि पिण्याकाद् घृतं श्रेय उदश्वितः [Mb.12.167.35.] स्थानम् a place full of water. residence in water. -स्थाली a kettle, vessel for holding water. -हरणः a vessel for drawing water. -हार a. a. fetching or carrying water. (-रः) a cloud (watercarrier).