अयुत [ayuta] a.
Disjoined, detached, not connected.
Uninterrupted, undisturbed.
[Av.19.51.1.] -तम् Ten thousand, a myriad. सूर्याब्धिसंख्यया द्वित्रिसागरैरयुताहतैः Sūrya. शाखानामयुतम् -Comp.
-अध्यापकः a good teacher.-ता,
-जित् Name of a king (son of Sindhudvīpa and father of Ṛituparṇa) Bṛi. Up. N. of another king (son of Bhajamāna;)
[V. P.] -नायिन् N. N. of a king in the
[Mb.] -सिद्ध a. a. (in Vaiś. Phil.) proved to be inseparable and inherent.
-सिद्धिः f. f. proof that certain things or notions are inseparable and inherent.
-होम a kind of sacrifice.
[B. P.]