सम्-अवाय m. m. coming or meeting together, contact, concourse, congress, assemblage, collection, crowd, aggregate (एन or आत्, ‘in combination’; °यं-√ कृ, ‘to meet, combine, flock together’), [GṛS.] ; [Gaut.] ; [Mn.] &c. conjunction (of heavenly bodies), [MBh.] ; [VarBṛS.] collision, [ŚrS.] ; [Gaut.] ; [Sarvad.] नित्य-सम्बन्ध (in phil. ) perpetual co-inherence, inner or intimate relation, constant and intimate union, inseparable concomitance (= , the sixth पदार्थ or category of the वैशेषिकs, expressing relation which exists between a substance and its qualities, between a whole and its parts [e.g. between cloth and the yarn composing it], between a genus and its individuals &c.), [Kap.] ; [Jaim.] ; [IW. 66; 69] ए course, duration (, with gen. , ‘during’), [MBh. i, 556]