Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
षड्ङ्ग  n. n.sg. the six principal parts of the body (viz. the two arms, two legs, head, and waist), [L.]
गो-मूत्रं   six auspicious things i.e. the six things obtained from a cow (गो-मयंक्षीरम्, सर्पिर् दधिच रोचना), [A.]
गो मूत्रं
pl. the six limbs or works auxiliary to the वेद, six वेदाङ्गs, [Gaut.] ; [Mn.] &c.
any set of six articles, [MW.]
-रुद्र   = (q.v.)
षड्ङ्ग  mfn. mfn. six-limbed, having six parts, [Br.] ; [AmṛtabUp.] ; [Suśr.] ; [VarBṛS.]
having six वेदाङ्गs, [PārGṛ.] ; [Āpast.] ; [R.]
षड्ङ्ग  m. m. a kind of Asteracantha, [L.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
षडङ्ग  mfn.  (-ङ्गः-ङ्गी-ङ्गं)
1. Having six limbs or members.
2. Having six parts, six ingredients, &c.
 n.  (-ङ्गं)
1. Six parts of the body collec- tively; as the two arms, two legs, and the head and waist.
2. The six supplementary parts of the Vedas or grammar, prosody, astronomy, pronunciation, the meaning of unusual terms, and the ritual of the Hindu religion.
E. षष् six, and अङ्ग a limb or part.
षष् अङ्ग

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