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   { vyatirēkḥ }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   vyatirēka m S Unconnectedness; separate or distinct state or quality; absence from. Ex. ईश्वरीं अज्ञानाचा सर्वथा व्य0 आहे. 2 The law of negation or absence; the necessary non-being of one thing under the non-being of some other thing. Ex. जेथें ईश्वरभक्ति नाहीं तेथें भूतदया नाहीं असा व्य0 आहे. 3 exception, exclusion. व्यतिरेकमुखें In the manner, mode, or form of negativeness, i. e. connection negative or of non-existence or absence: opp. to अन्वयमुखें, under which word see example.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  m  Unconnectedness. exception.


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali |   | 
   see : कमी


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
व्य्-अतिरेक  n. m. distinction, difference, separateness, separation, exclusion, [Lāṭy.] ; [Kāv.] ; [Pur.] &c. (भावो व्यतिरेक-तस्, a separate or particular existence; वी-त-व्यतिरेक, not separate or particular; °केणind. or °कात्ind. [or व्यतिरेकibc.], with exception of, without)
   negation, [Kap.]
°के  n. contrariety, contrast to (comp.), [Kām.] (ind., on the contrary supposition)
अन्वय   logical discontinuance (opposed to.">opp. to q.v.), [Bhāṣāp.]
   (in rhet.) a partic. figure of speech (the contrasting of things compared in some respects with each other), [Kāvyâd.] ; [Sāh.] &c.; N. of wk.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
व्यतिरेकः [vyatirēkḥ]   1 distinction, difference; यथा गन्धस्य भूमश्च न भावो व्यतिरेकतः [Bhāg.3.27.18.]
   separation from.
   exclusion, exception.
   excellence, surpassing, excelling.
   contrast, dissimilarity.
   (In logic) logical discontinuance (opp. अन्वय q. v.); यत्र साध्या- भावस्तत्र हेत्वभाव इति व्यतिरेकव्याप्तिः (e. g. यत्र वह्निर्नास्ति तत्र धूमो नास्ति is an instance of व्यतिरेकव्याप्तिः).
   (In Rhet.) A figure of speech which consists in representing theUpameya as superior to the Upamāna in some particular respects; उपमानाद्यन्यस्य व्यतिरेकःएव सः [K.P.1.] (व्यतिरेकेण means 'except, without'; व्यतिरेके 'on the contrary supposition'.). -Comp.
-व्याप्ति   see व्यतिरेक (6) above.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
व्यतिरेक  m.  (-कः)
   1. difference, separateness.
   2. A figure in rhetoric, the dissimilitude of things compared in some respects to each other.
   3. exception, exclusion.
   4. excelling.
   5. contrast.
   6. A logical discontinuance, opposed to अन्वय, (In Nyāya Phil.)
   E. वि and अति before रिच् to unite, aff. घञ् .
वि अति रिच् घञ् .

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