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   { lālāṭika }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
लालाटिक  mfn. mf()n. = -लालाटq.v., KātyŚr. Sch.
   relating to fate or destiny (supposed to be written on the forehead), [W.]
   useless, low, vile, ib.
लालाटिक  m. m. an attentive servant (as ‘one who watches his master's face or countenance’), [L.]
   an idler (prob. as ‘one who is always gazing at the countenance of others’), [L.]
   a mode of embracing, [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
लालाटिक [lālāṭika] a.  a. (-की f.) [ललाटं प्रभोर्भालं पश्यति ठञ्]
   being on or relating to the forehead.
   arising from or dependent on fate; प्राप्तिस्तु लालाटिकी Udb.
   useless, low, vile.
   attentive, vigilant.
   कः An attentive servant (lit. one who watches his master's countenance and learns by it what is necessary to be done).
   An idler, a careless or useless person.
   A kind of embrace.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
लालाटिक  mfn.  (-कः-की-कं)
   1. relating to the forehead, worn on it, be- longing to it, &c.
   2. Contemplating the forehead, looking at it, &c. 3. low, vile.
   4. relating to fate or destiny.
  mf.  (-कः-की)
   1. An attentive servant, one who watches a master's countenance, and learns by it what is necessary to be done.
   2. An idler, one who is unable to work, and is a burden to his patron.
  m.  (-कः) A par- ticular mode of embracing.
   E. ललाट the forehead, aff. ठञ् .
ललाट ठञ् .

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