Dictionaries | References


   { miṣ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मिष्   1.cl. 6. P. (xxviii, 60">[Dhātup. xxviii, 60] ) मिष॑ति (of the simple verb only pr. p.मिष॑त्; in gr. also pf.मिमेष; aor.अमेषीत्; fut.मेषिता, मेषिष्यति &c.; cf.उन्- and नि√ मिष्),
to open the eyes, wink, blink, [RV.] &c. &c. (generally used in gen. = before the eyes of, in presence of, in spite of e.g.मिषतो बन्धु-वर्गस्य, the whole number of friends looking on i.e. before their very eyes, in spite of them);
to rival, emulate (स्पर्धायाम्), [Dhātup.]
मिष्   2.cl. 1. P.मेषति, to sprinkle, moisten, wet, xvii, 48.">[Dhātup. xvii, 48.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मिष् [miṣ]   I. 6 P. (मिषति)
   To open the eyes, wink.
   To look at, look helplessly; जातवेदोमुखान्मायी मिषता- माच्छिनत्ति नः [Ku.2.46;] येनार्घ्यं नृपमण्डलस्य मिषतो भीष्माग्रहस्ताद् धृतम् [Dūtavākyam 1.41.]
   To rival, contend, emulate -ii. 1 P. (मेषति) To wet, moisten, sprinkle.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मिष् (उ) मिषु   r. 1st cl. (मेषति) To sprinkle.
मिष् (उ) मिषु   r. 6th cl. (मिषति)
मिष् (उ) मिषु   1. To con- tend with, to emulate, to contest.
मिष् (उ) मिषु   2. To look at or on.
मिष् (उ) मिषु   With उद् 1. To open the eyes.
मिष् (उ) मिषु   2. To blossom.
मिष् (उ) मिषु   3. To shine.
मिष् (उ) मिषु   With नि To shut the eyes.

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