मात्रा f. af. See s.v. मात्रा f. bf. measure (of any kind), quantity, size, duration, number, degree &c., [RV.] &c. &c. (भूयस्या मात्रया, in a higher degree, [Lalit.] ) unit of measure, foot, [VarBṛS.] निमेष unit of time, moment, [Suśr.] ; [ŚārṅgS.] (= , [VP.] ; ifc. = lasting so many moments, [Gaut.] ) metrical unit, a mora or prosodial instant i.e. the length of time required to pronounce a short vowel (a long vowel contains 2 मात्राs, and a prolated vowel 3), [Prāt.] musical unit of time (3 in number), [Pañcat.] मात्र (only once ifc. ) the full measure of anything (= ), [Hariv. 7125] right or correct measure, order, [RV.] ; [ChUp.] °त्रया n. a minute portion, particle, atom, trifle, [ŚBr.] &c. &c. (, ind. in small portions, in slight measure, moderately, [Daś.] ; [Suśr.] ) मात्रा f. [f.] राजे-ति कियती मात्रा, of what account is a king? a king is a mere trifle, [Pañcat.] का मात्रा समुद्रस्य , what is the importance of the sea? the sea will easily be managed, ib. an element (5 in number), [BhP.] matter, the material world, [MaitrUp.] ; [MBh.] ; [BhP.] materials, property, goods, household, furniture, money, wealth, substance, livelihood (also pl. ), [Vas.] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c. a mirror, [Viṣṇ.] an ear-ring, jewel, ornament, [Kād.] the upper or horizontal limb of the नागरी characters, [W.]