मङ्गल [maṅgala] a. a. [मङ्ग्-अलच्; [Uṇ.5.7] ] Auspicious, lucky, propitious, fortunate; मङ्गलदिवसः, मङ्गलवृषभः &c. Prosperous, doing or faring well. Brave. लम् (a) Auspiciousness, propitiousness; जनकानां रघूणां च यत् कृत्स्नं गोत्रमङ्गलम् [U.6.42;] [R.6.9;1.67.] (b) Happiness, good luck or fortune, bliss, felicity; भद्रं भद्रं वितर भगवन् भूयसे मङ्गलाय [Māl.1.3;] [U.3.48.] (c) Wellbeing, welfare, good; सङ्गः सतां किमु न मङ्गलमातनोति [Bv. 1.122;] (also m. in these senses). A good omen, anything tending to an auspicious issue. A blessing, benediction. An auspicious or lucky object. An auspicious occasion or event, a festivity. Any solemn or auspicious ceremony or rite (such as marriage). Any ancient custom. Turmeric. (In music) A particular composition. लः The planet Mars. N. N. of Agni. ला, ली A faithful wife Dūrvā grass. N. N. of Durgā. -Comp. -अक्षताः (m. pl.) rice thrown over persons by Brāhmaṇas when pronouncing blessings. -अगरु n. n. a variety of sandal. -अयनम् the way to happiness or prosperity; परममङ्गलायनगुणकथनोऽसि [Bhāg.5.3.11.] -अलंकृत a. a. decorated with auspicious ornaments; आददे वचसामन्ते मङ्गलालंकृतां सुताम् [Ku.6.87;] [M.1.14.] -अष्टकम् a benedictory verse or verses repeated by priests over a youth and maiden, when being married, to promote their good luck. अह्निकम् any daily religious rite performed for good luck. a vase full of water carried in front of a procession. आचरणम् an auspicious introduction in the form of a prayer (for the attainment of success) at the beginning of any undertaking or of any work of composition. pronouncing a blessing. आचारः an auspicious or pious ceremony or usage. a benediction, pronouncing a blessing. (in music) a particular composition. -आतोद्यम् a drum beaten on festive occasions. -आदेशवृत्तिः a fortune-teller; [Ms.9.258.] -आरम्भः an epithet of Gaṇeśa. -आलम्भनम् touching anything auspicious. -आलयः, -आवासः a temple.-आवह a. auspicions. -इच्छा benediction, felicitation.-इच्छु a. desirous of happiness or prosperity. -करणम् repeating a prayer for the success of any undertaking.-कलशः a vessel used at festivals. -कारक, -कारिन् a. a. auspicious. -कार्यम् any festive occasion, a religious or auspicious ceremony. -कालः an auspicious occasion; [Ś.4.] -क्षौमम् a silken cloth worn on occasions of festivity; दधतो मङ्गलक्षौमे वसानस्य च वल्कले [R.12.8.] -गृहम् an auspicious house or temple. -ग्रहः an auspicious planet. -घटः, -पात्रम् a pot filled with water offered to the gods on festive occasions. -चण्डिका, -चण्डी N. N. of Durgā; मङ्गलेषु च या दक्षा सा च मङ्गलचण्डिका [Brav. P.] -छायः the plakṣa tree. -तूर्यम् a musical instrument, such as a trumpet, drum &c., played on festive or auspicious occasions; सुखश्रवा मङ्गलतूर्यनिस्वनाः [R.3.19.] -देवता an auspicious or tutelary deity. -ध्वनिः an auspicious music (at the time of some festival). -पत्रम् a leaf serving as an amulet. -पाठकः a bard, minstrel, professional panegyrist; आः दुरात्मन् वृथामङ्गलपाठक शैलूषापसद [Ve.1.] -पुष्पम् an auspicious flower. -पूजित a. a. honoured with a sacrificial offering. प्रतिसरः an auspicious cord or string, the auspicious thread worn by a married woman round her neck as long as her husband lives; अन्त्रैः कल्पितमङ्गलप्रतिसराः (अङ्गनाः) [Māl.5.18.] the cord of an amulet. -प्रद a. a. auspicious. (-दा) turmeric.-प्रस्थः N. of a mountain. -मात्रभूषण a. a. decked in auspicious ornaments only, such as the auspicious thread, saffronmark &c.; सितांशुका मङ्गलमात्रभूषणा [V.3.12.] -मालिका marriage-music. -वचस् n. n., -वादः a benedictory or congratulatory expression, benediction, blessing. -वादिन्a. expressing blessings or congratulations, wishing joy. -वाद्यम् see मङ्गलतूर्य. -वारः, -वासरः Tuesday. विधिः a festive or auspicious rite. preparations for a festival. -वृषभः an ox with auspicious signs. -शब्दः greeting, a benedictory expression. -समालम्भनम् an auspicious unguent. -सूत्रम् see मङ्गलप्रतिसर. -स्नानम् a solemn or auspicious ablution. -स्वरः a sea-shell.