मङ्गल्य mfn. mf(आ)n. auspicious, lucky, conferring happiness, [Kauś.] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c. beautiful, pleasing, agreeable, [MW.] pious, pure, holy, [Uttarar.] मङ्गल्य m. m.Cicer Lens, [Suśr.] Aegle Marmelos, [Sāh.] Ficus Religiosa, [L.] मङ्गलार्हा Ficus Heterophylla, [L.] (correctly ) the cocoa-nut tree, I. Feronia Elephantum, [L.] a species of करञ्ज, [L.] जीवक = , [L.] N. of a serpent demon, [Buddh.] मङ्गल्य n. n. an auspicious prayer, [MārkP.] any ausp° thing, [Gaut.] ; [Suśr.] [Var.] (sg. collectively, [Hcat.] ) bathing with the juice of all medicinal plants, [L.] water brought from various sacred places for the consecration of a king &c., [MW.] sour curds, [L.] sandal wood, [L.] a kind of Agallochum, [L.] gold, [L.] red lead, [L.]