बाध m. 1.m. a harasser, tormentor, [Hariv.] annoyance, molestation, affliction, obstacle, distress, pain, trouble, [RV.] &c. &c. आ f. (also , f.; cf. [Vām. v, 2, 44] ) injury, detriment, hurt, damage, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. प्राण danger, jeopardy (See -) exclusion from (comp. ), [Pañcat.] suspension, annulment (of a rule &c.), [Sāh.] ; [Pāṇ.] Sch. &c. a contradiction, objection, absurdity, the being excluded by superior proof (in log. , one of the 5 forms of fallacious middle term), [Kap.] ; [Bhāṣāp. &c.] बाध m. 2.m. (prob. ) urging, impulse ([Naigh. ii] , 9= बल, [Sāy.] = बाधक, बाधन), RV. vi, 11, 5; i, 61, 2; 132, 5 ?.