बभ्रु mfn. mf(उ, or ऊ॑)n. (according to, [Uṇ. i, 23 fr.] √ भृ) deep-brown, reddish-brown, tawny, [RV.] &c. &c. bald-headed, [L.] बभ्रु m. m. a kind of large ichneumon, [L.] any ichneumon, [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] a man with deep-brown hair, [Mn. iv, 30] (others ‘a reddish-brown animal’ or ‘the सोम creeper’) चातक Cuculus Melanoleucus (= ), [L.] a species of vegetable, [L.] N. of कृष्ण-विष्णु or of शिव, [MBh.] a king, prince, ib. बभ्रुक a partic. constellation (= ), [VarBṛS.] Sch. गर्गादि N. of sev. men (cf. g. ) of a descendant of अत्रि (author of [RV. v, 30] ), [Anukr.] (also with the patr. दैवावृध and कौम्भ्य, [Br.] ; [MBh.] ; [Pur.] ) of a disciple of शौनक, [VP.] of a son of विश्वा-मित्र, [MBh.] (also pl. [Hariv.] ) of a son of विश्व-गर्भ, [Hariv.] of a वृष्णि, [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] of a son of द्रुह्यु, [Hariv.] of a son of रोम-पाद or लोम-पाद, ib. of a गन्धर्व, [R.] -देश of a country (= ), [L.] बभ्रु f. (उ) f. a reddish-brown cow, [BhP.] बभ्रु n. n. a dark-brown colour or any object of that c° , [W.] बभ्रु [cf. Gk. φρύνη, φρῦνος; Lith. béras, brúnas; Germ. brûn, braun; Eng. brown.]