Dictionaries | References प प्रभृति { prabhṛtiḥ } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 प्रभृति A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi English | | these are the chief cases of its occurrence in Prákrit. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 प्रभृति Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi English | | ad first.अद्यप्रभृति From to-day.जन्मप्रभृति From birth.तत प्रभृति thenceforth.बाल्यप्रभृति From childhood.शिरःप्रभृति From the head (down wards &c.). Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 प्रभृति A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | प्र-°भृति f. f. (प्र॑-) bringing forward, offering (of sacrifice or praise), [RV.] ; [AV.] ROOTS:प्र °भृति a throw or stroke, [RV.] मुनयः सोमश्रवः-प्रभृतयः beginning, commencement, [ŚBr.] &c. &c. (compound.*">ifc. = ‘commencing with’ or ‘et caetera’ e.g., ‘the मुनिs beginning with S°’ i.e. ‘the मुनिs, S° &c.’; in this sense also °तिक) ROOTS:मुनयः सोमश्रवः प्रभृतयःप्र-°भृति n. ind. (after an abl.adv. or compound.*">ifc.) beginning with, from—forward or upward, since, [GṛŚrS.] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh. &c.] (e.g.बाल्यात् प्रभृति, ‘from boyhood upwards’; जन्म-प्र्°, ‘from birth’; अद्य प्र्°, ‘beginning from to-day, henceforth’; ततः or तदा प्र्°, ‘thenceforth’ &c.) ROOTS:प्र °भृति Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 प्रभृति The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | प्रभृतिः [prabhṛtiḥ] f. f. beginning, commencement; generally used in this sense as the last member of bah. compound; इन्द्रप्रभृतयो देवाः &c. Ved. An oblation. Throwing or casting (Ved.). -ind. From, ever since, beginning with (with abl.); शैशवात् प्रभृति पोषितां प्रियाम् [U.1.45;] [Ku.3.26.] [R.2.38;] अद्यप्रभृति henceforward; ततः प्रभृति, अतः प्रभृति &c. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 प्रभृति Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English | | प्रभृति f. (-तिः) 1. beginning, commencement, (in this sense the word gene- rally occurs as the last member of a Bahubrihi compound). 2. man- ner, kind. 3. etcetera, others, rest, remainder, (in composition;) as गर्म्मुत्प्रभृतयः तृणं the grass called Germut and other sorts. मुनयः सोमश्रवः प्रभृतयः the Munis, Somasravas, and the rest; ततः प्रभृति thence, after. Ind. beginning with, from, since, (with an abl.) as “अद्य प्रभृति”. E. प्र before, भृ to nourish, aff. क्तिच् . ROOTS:प्र भृ क्तिच् . Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP