प्रभृति f. (
1. Beginning, commencement, (in this sense the word gene- rally occurs as the last member of a Bahubrihi compound).
2. Man- ner, kind.
3. Etcetera, others, rest, remainder, (in composition;) as
गर्म्मुत्प्रभृतयः तृणं the grass called Germut and other sorts.
मुनयः सोमश्रवः प्रभृतयः the Munis, Somasravas, and the rest;
ततः प्रभृति thence, after. Ind. Beginning with, from, since, (with an abl.) as
“अद्य प्रभृति”.
E. प्र before,
भृ to nourish, aff.
क्तिच् .