प्रति-√ हन् P. -हन्ति (ep. also Ā. pf. -जघ्ने), to beat against (gen. ), [TāṇḍBr.] ; to attack, assail, [MBh.] ; to strike down, ib.; to crush, break, [RV.] ; to put on a spit, ib. i, 32, 12; to strike in return, strike back, ward off remove, dispel, check, prevent, frustrate, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.; (with आज्ञाम्), to disregard a command, [Śiś.] : Pass. -हन्यते, to be beaten back &c., [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.; to be kept away from or deprived of (abl. ), [Śaṃk.] : Caus. -घातयति See under प्रति-घ.