पैशाच [paiśāca] a. a. (-ची f.) [पिशाचेन निर्वृत्तः अण्] Demoniacal, infernal.
चः The eighth or lowest of the eight forms of marriage in Hindu law, in which a lover ravishes a maiden without her consent when she is sleeping, or intoxicated, or deranged in intellect; सुप्तां मत्तां प्रमत्तां वा रहो यत्रोपगच्छति । स पापिष्ठो विवाहानां पैशाचश्चाष्टमोऽ धमः
[Ms.3.34;] [Y.1.61.] A kind of demon or पिशाच.
ची A present made at a religious ceremony.
A sort of gibberish spoken on the stage by demons.
One of the forms of Prākṛita.