पृच् 1.cl. 7. P. (xxix, 25">[Dhātup. xxix, 25] ) पृण॑क्तिĀ. पृङ्क्ते॑ (or cl. 2. पृक्ते, xxiv, 20">[Dhātup. xxiv, 20] ; cl. 1. P. पृञ्चति, [AV.] ; cl. 3. P. पिपृग्धि, पिपृक्त, [RV.] ; pf. पपृचुः, [AitBr.] ; पपृचासि, °च्यात्, °चान॑, [RV.] ; aor. प॑र्चस् [p. पृचान॑, ib.; Prec. प्रिचीमहि] ib.; अप्राक्, [AV.] ; अपृक्षि, °क्त, ib.; अपर्चीत्, °चिष्टGr. ; fut. पर्चिष्यति, °ते, पर्चिता, ib.; inf. -पृ॑चे, -पृ॑चस्, [RV.] ), to mix, mingle, put together with ( instr. , rarely loc. ; धनुषा शरम्, ‘to fix the arrow upon the bow’ [Bhaṭṭ.] ), unite, join, [RV.] &c. &c.; to fill ( Ā. one's self?), sate, satiate, ---10--- ; [MBh.] ; to give lavishly, grant bountifully, bestow anything ( acc. or gen. ) richly upon ( dat. ), [RV.] ; to increase, augment, ib. ( prob. connected with √ पॄ, to fill; cf. also √ पृज्.) पृच् f. 2.f. food, nourishment, refreshment, 74, 10">[RV. v, 74, 10] (cf. घृत-, मधु-).