Dictionaries | References प पर्यङ्क { paryaṅkḥ } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words पर्यङ्क A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 पर्य्-अङ्क mfn. m. (also पल्य्°, [Pāṇ. 8-2, 22] ) a bed, couch, sofa, litter, palanquin, [KauṣUp.] ; [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. (also °किकाf., [Kād.] ; °की-कृतmfn. turned into a couch, [Gīt.] ) ROOTS:पर्य् अङ्कa partic. mode of sitting on the ground (a squatting position assumed by ascetics and Buddhists in meditation), [Buddh.] (cf. below)a cloth wound round the back and loins and knees while so sitting, [L.] N. of a mountain (son of विन्ध्य), [L.] पर्यङ्क The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 पर्यङ्कः [paryaṅkḥ] 1 A bed, couch, sofa; क्वचिद् भूमौ शायी क्वचिदपि च पर्यङ्कशयनः [Bh.2.81.] A palanquin.A cloth girt round the back, loins, and knees (by a person) when sitting on his hams; cf. अवसक्थिकाA particular kind of posture practised by ascetics in meditation, sitting on the hams; it is the same as वीरासन which is thus defined by Vasiṣṭha: एकं पादमथैकस्मिन् विन्यस्योरौ तु संस्थितं । इतरस्मिंस्तथैवोरुं वीरासनमुदाहृतम् ॥ पर्यङ्क- ग्रन्थिबन्ध &c. [Mk.1.1.] -Comp.-ग्रन्थिः, बन्धः sitting on the hams, the posture called पर्यङ्क; पर्यङ्कबन्धस्थिरपूर्व- कायम् [Ku.3.45,59.] -बद्ध a. a. squatting.-भोगिन् m. m. a kind of serpent. Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP